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pwn the future
White House's National Security Memorandum on Industrial Cybersecurity: What Does It Mean?

White House's National Security Memorandum on Industrial Cybersecurity: What Does It Mean?

A conversation with former NSA General Counsel Michael Ellis
Baja sunrise, 2007

Hey folks -

So far the audio versions of my “what’s next” series have done well, so starting today I’m going to experiment with more spoken content.

To kick it off, I’m pleased to present a conversation with a friend and former colleague, Michael Ellis. We discuss the White House’s recent National Security Memorandum on Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity, addressing some definitions, then digging in to the document’s implications for businesses, and more.

What more could you ask for on a Friday afternoon?

Have a great weekend,


Some additional “show notes” -

  • To understand what types of companies are defined as “critical infrastructure,” check out the Obama-era PPD-41 (n.b. - Michael and I also talk about what “PPD” vs “NSM” means in the first few minutes of the show).

  • What is “CISA?”

  • Michael’s recent article on disclosing major cyber incidents.

  • One example of cybersecurity architectures for critical infrastructure is NERC - CIP (here’s a wiki-style explainer).

pwn the future
pwn the future
notes from the (industrial control systems cybersecurity startup) underground.